For the past 7 years, Meg has been living in Sweden - relocating from Australia for the love of her life. During her time abroad, Meg went through one of the biggest transformations in a woman's life: Motherhood.
We sat down with Meg Audrey to chat all things healing and self discovery postpartum, plus - she shares her top tips for travelling with a baby.
So we invite you to sit back, pour a cup of tea and get to know our next mama muse //
You moved to Sweden after falling in love with your husband Alex. Tell us about this fairy-tale journey and what it's like to raise a family abroad?
It's so fun to look back at our story together and see how far we've come. Alex and I met in 2015 on Bondi Beach. He was finishing up his year long trip to Australia, and neither of us had any intention of continuing the relationship once he left. But, when the time came for him to go, I knew in my heart that our love story would not end there...
After a spontaneous trip to Thailand together a few months later, the next plan was to get to Sweden for Summer (2016).
And here we are: home owners, married, 2 kids later, still in Sweden.

What are your top 3 tips for travelling with children?
- ALWAYS bring your baby carrier (Sia baby – obviously)
- Loosen up on the routines while travelling. Whatever makes the journey smooth- do that
- Make sure to find time for you too. Although you are travelling with kids, find moments that you can reset when needed, even if its 5 deep breaths alone in the bathroom.
You're now a mother of two beautiful girls. How has motherhood evolved for you as your family has grown?
This journey has been WILD!! I honestly couldn't have ever imagined how life would be with 2 before Ziggy came along.
I remember thinking to myself "How could I possibly love another child the way I love Harper? (My first). But as soon as my youngest was born I realised that the love just grows and all of a sudden you have 2 of these little humans and your heart is overflowing with love. Although going from 1 to 2 children felt like a circus, I could not imagine life without both of my crazy, gorgeous girls.
What are your top tips for keeping motivated & active during pregnancy?
I had two VERY different pregnancies with my girls.The first one I was working out until 2 days before she was born. It felt good to move my body. I craved it.
But sadly with my youngest I was couch or bed-ridden for 50-60% of my pregnancy and for the final month I felt extremely heavy and in a lot of pain.
Working in the fitness industry and relying on movement as medicine the way that I usually do made it so hard for me to relax and rest because I was expecting my body to feel the same as with my first pregnancy, but, I got to a point where I realised and understood that my body was not the same that time around and neither was my situation, and that what I needed was rest.
When I let go of my internal expectation and surrendered, I started to feel better in my body and was eventually able to start to move more. My biggest tip is to really listen to what your body and your baby need. It's not going to be the same for everyone.
If something doesn't feel good, don't do it, and if something feels great and is safe, go for it! With the goal of keeping you and bubba healthy, happy and connected to yourself and each other, trust yourself. It helps to have a buddy to stay active with, too!
We've loved seeing you use your Sia baby over the years! How has babywearing helped you?
Babywearing is by far one of my favourite parts of motherhood. The bond and connection it creates between you and baby is one of my favourite things in the world. My 5 year old would still as to be up in the carrier if she could!
When bubba is feeling tired or sad or just wants to be close, it is the best feeling ever. I still sling my 17 month old and hope that our journey will continue longer.
Do you have any daily rituals that help you stay connected to yourself?
My morning matcha is a non-negotiable haha, but other than that, something that I ALWAYS make time for is my morning skincare/beauty routine. It's one of the first things I do when I get out of bed, wash my face, scrape my tongue, and do my skincare.
It helps me to feel a little calmer and more connected by starting my day with an act of self-love, and if I start my day like this, i'm usually able to show up in a nicer way for my family. Moving my body every day is also a top priority for me. In some way or another. And something that I am trying to add back into my daily routine is my meditation practice in the morning.
I love to meditate and lately have lost this as a part of my ritual but when I maintain this practice, life flows and I feel more aligned and connected with myself and my family.
How has your career changed since becoming a mother?
ALOT!! Before Harper was born in 2018 I was a hairdresser for 11 years.
But after becoming a mother I finally decided to take the jump into health and fitness which I had wanted to do for a long time.
Fast forward 5 years now and I currently work as a fitness instructor in Stockholm, Sweden, teaching Lagree Megaformer classes, Indoor cycle classes and I am also working as a Holistic Health and Energy Healing practitioner.
I take Reiki healing and coaching clients all over the world thanks to zoom, and I have just released my first e-book about the chakra system and have so many very exciting programmes, workshops and courses coming soon.
I feel really excited about what is to come and feel like after having kids, and going through the mother "rebirth" that we do, I have landed in the exact place I was supposed to.